The Reaset Approach

The Reaset Approach,” a new-age hands-on manual therapy technique for treating disorders of the autonomic nervous system, easily integrated into your practice.

The Reaset Approach

The Reaset Approach,” a new-age hands-on manual therapy technique for treating disorders of the autonomic nervous system, easily integrated into your practice.

About the Workshop

  • 4 days hands on practise for treatment of the autonomic nervous system.
  • New innovative approach to integrate in conventional manual therapy programs

In the 4 days highly practical oriented workshop , attendees gain an understanding of the role of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in health and disease patterns and develop the skills to assess and Reaset the ANS using The Reaset Approach’s comprehensive therapeutic methodology.Validate the learning through Heart Rate Variability (HRV), proving the ANS’s balancing impact and through case scenario practice sessions.


Day 1
AMEvolution of The Reaset Approach and understanding its significance in a changing world (T)

Introduction to “Reaset Touch” and “tuning in” exercises (P)

PMCore principle of The Reaset Approach (T)
Introduction and practice of hand modalities for reasetting the neurocranium, neck, and upper dorsal area (NEU, NE, UD) (P)
Day 2

Refresh on stress management and modern stressors (T)

Practice resetting NEU, NE, UD and introduction and application of hand modalities for reasetting the viscerocranium (VI) (P)
PMRole of the myodural bridges and introduction to structural and functional body-mind connections (T)
Introduction and practice of hand modalities for the myofascial system (MF) (P)
Day 3
AMExplore autonomic balance and the Polyvagal Theory and the impact of The Reaset Approach on health and wellbeing (T)
Practice reasetting the NEU, NE, UD, VI, MF and introduction to reasetting the craniosacral system (CS) (P)
PMThe Reaset Approach’s contraindications and red flags (T)
Introduction and practice of upper dorsal and lumbar reaset adjustments (P)
Day 4
AMRecap of all theory and introduction to heart rate variability (T)
Practice the application of the complete reaset protoco (P)
PMApplying reasetting to specific clinical conditions: hypertonic diaphragm, whiplash, ankle sprains…(P)
Feedback session and demonstration on an external patient (P)


Tom Meyers | Osteopath D.O., MSc. Ost. OSD

Tom Meyers is an Osteopath, Body-centred Stress Coach, and acclaimed Wellbeing Futurist based in Belgium.
He is the founder and instructor of The Reaset Approach, a pioneering method for treating stress-related autonomic dysfunctions.
As a highly sought-after speaker, Dr. Meyers has authored several influential books, including “Futurize Yourself – Design Your Life on Purpose” and “The Futures Effect – Change Your Story, Change Your Future!”
His expertise is regularly solicited at conferences and workshops worldwide, where he shares his insights on health and wellbeing.


Upcoming Program

To Be Announced

9 am to 5 pm


An 11-year-old boy exhibiting signs of distress was brought to my clinic by his mother, who is a client of mine. She informed me that the boy is consistently quiet and reluctant to engage with his friends or siblings. He frequently receives complaints from school due to his lack of participation in activities. At home, he avoids interacting with his parents and often isolates himself in the washroom or his room for extended periods. I treated him for three days using the techniques you taught. After the first session, his mother noticed that he began attempting to communicate with them and started smiling. Following the second session, she reported that the boy played with his cousins and expressed preferences for his favorite foods to his parents. By the third session, the boy arrived at my clinic smiling, playful, and cheerful, exhibiting behavior akin to a typical child. The entire family was elated to witness this remarkable transformation.

Dr. Shabnam Fatima

Pioneer Physio Care, Hyderabad

I had a patient suffering from insomnia caused by stress. For the past 20 days, he had been experiencing significant difficulty sleeping and also complained of severe headaches. After just one session, during which I utilized the Reaset Approach to balance his Autonomic Nervous System and made some adjustments, his pain reduced and he was able to resume normal sleep patterns. He is now extremely satisfied with the treatment and even expressed his gratitude by saying, “Sir, I’ll pay anything for this treatment.” Thank you.

Dr Chandresh Patel

Jabalpur, India

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