PELVIC HEALTH (Women’s Health)

A unique set of two most popular workshops from the U.K., aimed at Musculoskeletal clinicians and Women’s health specialty clinicians to develop confidence and in-depth understanding of dealing with pelvic health issues.

PELVIC HEALTH (Women’s Health)

A unique set of two most popular workshops from the U.K., aimed at Musculoskeletal clinicians and Women’s health specialty clinicians to develop confidence and in-depth understanding of dealing with pelvic health issues.

About the Workshop

  • A unique workshop to learn how to deal with MSK issues in the perinatal period without being a Women’s Health Physio.
  • The “next steps” workshop for experienced women’s health clinicians who want to advance their practice into exploring how to consider the influence of “Pain” in management of more complex pelvic health patients.

Workshop 1: Open to Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists (male and female), Osteopaths, and Chiropractors.
Workshop 2: Exclusively for Women’s Health specialist Physiotherapists and Gynecologists.



Day 1
MorningReview of ONLINE MODULE
Overview of Common pregnancy related MSK conditions including
Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain and lumbar pain, Coccyxydynia ,
Diastasis Recti and more
History of management of Pregnancy related Pelvic Girdle Pain (PPGP)
/Pregnancy related Low Back Pain ( PGLP)- Where are we now/ Where
should be we?
AfternoonBiopsychosocial Model of Management (BPSM) – overview and clinical
application within pelvic health
Subjective & Objective Assessment- asking the right questions and
interpreting the responses, movement analysis, Abdominal analysis,
Treatment planning
Day 2
MorningDiastasis Recti
AfternoonScar Management
Back to fitness post pregnancy


Day 1 (Day 3)


MorningAssessment of complex pelvic floor dysfunction- theory/practical

Management/treatment of chronic pain/ complex pelvic floor dysfunction-
theory/practical with respect to biopsychosocial model, breathwork, tissue releases etc

Treatment planning and Educational tools, resources
Participant assessment & Discussion



Consultant Pelvic Health Physiotherapist Liverpool, NHS

Kate Walsh MSc. BSc.PgCert. HCPC MCSP.MPOGP

Kate has been working for over 25 years in the field of pelvic health physiotherapy. She currently leads the team at Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust, the largest specialist women’s and babies hospital in Europe and one of only two in the UK. Her vast clinical experience includes management of a wide spectrum of pelvic health conditions, including bowel dysfunction, bladder dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse, sexual dysfunction, and pregnancy-related musculoskeletal conditions. Kate has a particular interest in the management of perinatal pelvic health symptoms and has been leading a regional project to improve accessibility for this population to pelvic health services.

She has written and presents courses on the “Mummy MOT” platform, training clinicians to become competent in vaginal/rectal assessments of the pelvic floor complex. She has also written and delivers courses for the “Pelvic Health Academy” on the management of pregnancy-related musculoskeletal conditions. Kate is a tutor in the POGP (Pelvic Obstetric Gynaecological Physiotherapy Special Interest Group) for advanced management of complex pelvic pain and pelvic floor dysfunction, as well as assessment and management of lower bowel dysfunction workshops in the UK.

Kate is a regular speaker at conferences and an external lecturer for undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Liverpool and the University of Bradford. She is the Physiotherapy Chair on the executive committee of The Pelvic Floor Society within the Association of Colo-Proctology of Great Britain and Ireland. She also sits on the council for MASIC (Maternal Anal Sphincter Injury Charity).


Specialist Pelvic Health Physiotherapist Liverpool, NHS

Faye is an experienced physiotherapist with 8 years of experience, specializing in musculoskeletal (MSK) and pelvic health physiotherapy. She currently works alongside Kate as a Senior Specialist Physiotherapist at the Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust. Faye’s expertise extends to managing a complex caseload in the NHS, addressing conditions such as bladder/bowel dysfunction, persistent pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction.

She has a particular interest in assessing and treating pre- and postnatal women and specializes in scar therapy and rehabilitation.

Faye is the owner and director of The Body Clinic Liverpool. She leads a team of 7 individuals and manages a diverse clientele of patients weekly.

Instagram: @thebodyclinicliverpool

Upcoming Workshops

Feb 21-23, 2025

9am - 5pm


This course has been a real eye-opener for me. I feel this course has broadened my knowledge, understanding, and clinical practice. It has reinforced my passion for the area with a renewed insight into assessment and treatment options.


This course exceeded my expectations! The instructors were knowledgeable and approachable, making complex topics easy to understand. I now feel better equipped to support my clients and patients with pre- and postnatal pelvic health issues.


The blend of theory and practical exercises was perfect. I came away with a much deeper understanding of MSK conditions within pelvic health. Kate & Faye were fantastic at answering all our questions. A must-do course for anyone in the MSK or Women’s Pelvic Health!


This course was eye-opening! Kate & Faye explained everything so clearly and provided practical exercises that I can easily incorporate into my clinical practice. THANK YOU!


Wondering if this program is the right fit for you?